Thursday, May 29, 2008

AdGrinder is waiting for you

It's a really great thing.  My company, Aweli, is done with being private and has release the AdGrinder beta to the public.

AdGrinder is a web based tool that allows for the creation of a 15 second video commercial in about five steps and in less than three minutes.  Once an ad is built, you can build a campaign and place your ad throughout the Net.  Choose your keywords, you daily budget, the length of your campaign and the area codes you want your ad to be seen in.  You can find out more by going to the site at

This is really fun stuff.  Taking an idea to fruition is, in a word, thrilling.  In addition to building ads - and being able to monetize your content, regardless of its viewership! - the blog is also going to be a place that discusses advertising practices.  What works, what doesn't, and why.  The focus of the blog is to put together smart people who have been through it, smart people who are in it, and smart people who want to learn how to do it right before they step in it.

We will also be looking for guest blog posters at AdGrinder.  If you are interested, be sure to drop us an email at business AT adgrinder DOT com.

More to come....more great great things to come.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Place, New Things's just as lacking in fun and excitement as you think it is.

I can finally say hello to LA, at lease for the short term, as I go after some fantastic new business opportunities in a myriad of spaces - social media, new media, existing businesses - as well as seeing what new thing I can get in to.

Then there is the return to radio. This week I should be finalizing a new radio show that will be weekly, not daily like my previous show. Also, this show is not a political show, rather it will be technology culture show with a focus on what works, what doesn't, and why. There really is nothing like it on radio today, and I hope to be able to announce when we launch in the very near future. Oh, and there will be some politics.....but, you kind of knew that, didn't you?

I can't tell you how good it feels to be living out of a home instead of out of boxes. I look forward to more posts and more conversations. In the meantime, you can always find me at:

Twitter - tonykatz
Jaiku - tonykatz
LinkedIn - tonykatz
On The Web -
Business -

Take care.
