Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Place, New Things's just as lacking in fun and excitement as you think it is.

I can finally say hello to LA, at lease for the short term, as I go after some fantastic new business opportunities in a myriad of spaces - social media, new media, existing businesses - as well as seeing what new thing I can get in to.

Then there is the return to radio. This week I should be finalizing a new radio show that will be weekly, not daily like my previous show. Also, this show is not a political show, rather it will be technology culture show with a focus on what works, what doesn't, and why. There really is nothing like it on radio today, and I hope to be able to announce when we launch in the very near future. Oh, and there will be some politics.....but, you kind of knew that, didn't you?

I can't tell you how good it feels to be living out of a home instead of out of boxes. I look forward to more posts and more conversations. In the meantime, you can always find me at:

Twitter - tonykatz
Jaiku - tonykatz
LinkedIn - tonykatz
On The Web -
Business -

Take care.


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